Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Oracle Banner

This is an offside article, but as I could not find much on web, I thought this should be blogged even though simple enough info. You never know who might hit with this.

Recently while working on a Oracle connection issue, Customer confirmed their issue was resolved by turning off the Oracle banner. This was the first time I heard of banner being turned off and on.
I had to research along with DBA to enable disable banner in Oracle, even though we could not confirm whether banner was culprit for our application connection. Not much info on web, had to struggle.

Eventually found that Oracle 11.2.xx.xx has this facility. One can simple put a banner text file
on disk, and insert into sqlnet.ora below


sqlnet.ora file is typically found under ..product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN

After this bounce database services and login into Oracle to check banner text something similar to below.
Note here that we are talking this on Windows platform, on unix flavors path is different.


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